Los barriles kitesurf los barriles baja kiteboardingbaja,Los barriles kite school ,kitesurf lessong kiteboard baja.east cape los barriles Mexico: ABOUT LOS BARRILES AND THE WEATHER.


Los Barriles is a small town in Mexico with perfect kite conditions! Everyone who has visited comes back! Just on hour away from the San Jose International airport. Nice people and comfortable accomodations make every trip a perfect holiday. Barriles is famous for kiting , fishing, mountain biking and delicious food! From November to the end of March we have winds and sun almost everyday! Most of the time we have 18 to 25 knots of fresh and constant wind. Not to mention the beautiful sunrises everyday! Once you have been there you never want to leave again! Large, white beaches make every holiday a dream!

7 comentarios:

Morpho dijo...

Mi buen Dante, Te visitaremos Pronto!!
saludos David y Jenna

EH kiteboarding dijo...

Hey Dante,

Como va todo eso...


rebecca dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
rebecca dijo...

dante, feliz ano nuevo y suerte con su escuela! besos y abrazos!

peter dijo...

hola Dante.
Vengo en enero.
Enjoy and hace fun :-)

Peter from tarifa

Unknown dijo...

hi dante,
looking good in mexico i'm jealous, here i freeze my ass, no wind/sun/hot sand just fuc***g rain!
i'm thinking about it real bad...

Eric squamish

Unknown dijo...

Dante, thanks for teaching Chris kitesurfing. We are coming again in 2 weeks. Teresinha and Chris. Buzios Brasil. Santa Barbara, CA.

